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Patiently Waiting

Sometimes the worst thing is waiting. That's when time goes the slowest but it's also the time you have to think to yourself.

It's such a busy time for all of my friends and family here that there isn't much for me to do, even though it's my last few weeks. I just feel like I'm waiting to go home. It's still too early to make plans for when I get home and it's starting to be too late to make plans for before I leave. I mean, Im making plans and seeing friends but it's just hard spending all of this time waiting with nothing to do, especially when I have so much for when I get home.

It a lot of mixed feelings. On one hand, I'm super excited to come home, especially after everything I've been through. On the other hand, it'll be so hard to leave because of the great people I've met. But when I really sit down to think about it, weighing both together and considering all of my feelings, I think it's a good time for me to come home when I do. I feel that it's a good time to wrap it all up and start off to new beginnings at home.

I just need to be patient and try to do as much as I can before I leave and it'll all work together. I have my Rotary presentation and last district conference this week and weekend. I feel that after that it'll all be smooth sailing, I'll really feel it coming to an end, we will see how I feel when that comes.

Right now I'm just relaxed and waiting. It might not be how I've ever imagined the last month of my exchange, but it's what I've got and I'm happy I got this far.


My friend, Vanessa. This is a picture from the other day when we went to Blumenau. Good memories.


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