Throughout my entire 16 years of existence I knew I was destined for more than my small town can offer. I have been blessed with a family that has given me opportunities to travel, opportunities to grow, and ultimately opportunities to discover who I am, what I want to be, and who I want to impact with my limited time here on earth. I am only a sophomore in high school currently and plan to depart this August to spend a year of my life in Brazil. I have been wanting to do something big like this since 7th grade, and it's actually happening! "Is this real?", " "Hahaha funny joke guys, give it up," are all things that run through my mind until I realize - I'm doing this. I made it happen.
My friends and family couldn't provide me with more support than they have, and I'm thankful. Of course I'll miss my life here in Indiana, but I'm not leaving...I'm just taking an intermission to expand myself. With a support group I have currently, I'm destined for an amazing exchange.
Thank you to everyone who has helped me get here and everyone who has made me the person I am today.
Updated and upgraded
I'm Ava Underwood.
I am just your average 17 year old girl, the only thing that really makes me different is the fact I'm 17 years old and am starting the journey of self discovery and the overall enhancement of my nature and my life.
I am an exchange student in Brazil currently and am using this opportunity and the obstacles thrown at me to grow, even if it throws some punches along the way.
I am growing here in Brazil, but no matter what I do, I will always have my home in Indiana. I hope to stick with my roots because they're what hold me in place and they're what gives me a reason and encouragement to be doing this... doing me.
I have my loving family and friends back home along with my dogs waiting patiently for me by the door. I love them all dearly and owe them an extra hug just for putting up with my annoying phone calls when I'm bored waiting for the bus. I might owe them another just for being so nice about me being gone for a year...
In my free time I enjoy to draw and write, anything that lets me let my creativity flow. Besides that I love to enjoy my time with my friends and maybe hitting the gym every now and then. It all works together to even each other out and to give me a balance.
I'm writing this blog to update family and friends back home along with the additional reason that I needed something like this while I was figuring it all out on exchange, or sometimes even just the reminders in life.
Thank you for reading my blog, I hope my humble opinions and spurs will amuse you or even help you out! Hopefully both though.
beijos E Abraços,