I realized and have changed a lot within those 10 days. I feel like I won't really even know all of what changed until they come up naturally. The thing about changing is that you never really know how much or what you changed, you just do it. It's easier for others to notice than for yourself because they aren't the ones going through the gradual process that is your personal change.
Besides realizing some of the negative impact we are inflicting all over the rest of the world involving the environment I've realized some good too involving the communities. We went to one community that was without power or air conditioning a few years before and with the help of Rotary and Belo they have been able to get both power and air conditioning in their school and other places in the community. It's nice to see, in person, the changes that Rotary has been a part of. All of the students seemed grateful and excited to be receiving computers sometime in the near future!
We didn't get to see any of the deforestation taking place but we did get to do something to help build up what they're tearing down. Every student got to plant a tree at the end of the trip.
We all left a part of ourselves in that forest. Not only the tree but I feel that a piece of my heart will always be there because that experience has moved me in ways I don't even know yet.
It's truly something surreal to be somewhere so peaceful and beautiful. I hope one day my children get to experience the same humbling, spiritual growth that I have experienced throughout that trip and even throughout my exchange. Not only does this type of thing build character but it helps to give you the courage and passion to spark a change in the world and feel that you can do your own part and more in this short amount of time that we have.