I always try to think about the best I've felt here in Brazil. Was it when I went to the Flamengo game? Saw Christ the Redeemer? Was it when I got my first compliment on my Portuguese? Although those were all amazing times for me, no feeling will ever compare to the fact that I'm here. I'm on exchange. I'm actually doing this. A lot of times I just have to sit back and take it in. I've wanted to do this for years, and I'm here. I have proven and continue to prove to myself that I can do this. I did this.
Not only does exchange give you cultural and worldly knowledge, but it proves something to yourself. I have been in Brazil for 259 days only being able to truly depend on one person: myself. During exchange you learn that you, yourself, have to depend on you, yourself, because nobody else will truly 100% be there. It can be hard at times but in the end I wouldn't have it any other way. Because of this experience I feel like I can do anything I put my mind to. I used to think going on an exchange would be impossible, but somehow I made it possible. I'm here right now and thats only because I tried to make the impossible possible.
I feel like anyone my age having an experience anything close to this would be able to accomplish so much more if they realized that the impossible is possible at any age. I feel that my future can be full of whatever I put my heart to, not just what I know I'd be able to easily reach. If any kid my age got a taste of their dreams like this, they wouldn't stop until they got it all. Just putting some effort in and sticking to it can give you the determination and skillset to do anything.
It's so hard to put such a broad thought into just one post, but I hope you get the gist.

My fellow Americans here in Brazil: Zach and Sadie. They are from Iowa and New York (state). We recently went on one 28 day trip together and I thought we would never see each other again. But we all met up to take the Portuguese fluency test yesterday in Itajai and it was a blast.

On Monday we didn't have school so I went to meet up with one of my friends I met back in November. He's currently learning English and we went to get coffee and catch up. He's been looking for some practice speaking because he plans to open up a business someday.