I've been through a lot in the last 5 months, for a while I didn't have a good view on my time here. It was hard to have my mind wander to that idea. That my time here was just wasted for a few months. Not 'wasted' per say, but there wasn't a balance between the fun I was having and the struggles I was going through, so it was hard to look at and feel good about all of the amazing things I had experienced.
I have exactly two months left of my exchange and I am ready to turn everything around. I have a new family, new mindset, and new perspectives to help make these last two months the best two months.
I've been with this new family for about two weeks and my exchange has completely turned around. I am trying to leave the difficult situations I went through behind and am moving forward and am only going to spend time with those who are good for me. I am realizing just how blessed I am to have some of these amazing people in my life that I do and I don't have time to waste.
I believe that the growing process is beginning in this house, and I can't wait to see how amazing I can make this exchange considering just how well the past two weeks have been.
It's nice to be getting back in the loop of embracing the culture here, I didn't realize just how much I was missing out on until I saw it 8 months later. It's a lot of mixed emotions about the things I've gone through here on exchange. It's hard not to compare it to what others are experiencing. No matter how much I wish some of these things didn't happen, I know that I have become such a better person from them and I have gained so many life lessons that some people never get to experience.
Things are exactly how they're supposed to be, and all I can do is embrace that and make it the best that I can.

These two pictures are from this weekend. My family and I went to an Easter Festival in the city next to us, Pomerode, where they have the worlds biggest Easter egg. It's in Guiness too!