Today marks my 8 months here in Brazil. Insane. Totally insane.
I'm so happy I decided to make this exchange, I'm so proud of myself for making it this far. The last 8 months have gone by like the blink of an eye, but at the same time it feels like an entire lifetime here. By taking everything one day at a time you really get to slow down to think about where you are but you also lose track of how much time has already gone, it'll be over before you know it.
It mostly feels so long for me because it's hard to remember the old me. Time seems longer when things change, but it also goes fast when you're having fun. Exchange is a mix of things, so many things that you can't even put words to describe it to it's full extent.
In two short months I'll be saying , "yeah, I was an exchange student".
In two months this whole thing will the a place of the past. I am completely to terms with it all ending soon, but no matter what, the idea that I did this all on my own is so crazy to me.
I'm going to do everything I can during the next two months to make it unbearable to leave this place. What's the point of going somewhere afraid to love it? I'd rather live an exchange full of love than just survive the rest of it so it's easier to leave.

8 months ago. The last picture I have with my parents. 07/26/2018