This past weekend was a blast. I had so much fun and met so many new people.
My weekend started off by going to my host brothers dance class on Friday. It was so cute to see all of the kids dancing. Especially because it was to one of our favorite Hoosiers, Micheal Jackson. It's nice to be involved with siblings extracurriculars, you get to know more about Brazilian children and how they grow up and have fun.
On Saturday we had an event that the Interact club in my city put on for the entire district of 4650. It was full of different events and games for all of the Interact kids and exchangers to participate in. It's so crazy to see something like that put on by a group of kids all under the age of 18.
It was a day of games and making new friends. Everyone was running around with lipstick and paint going crazy, my clothes are ruined and I still have glitter in my hair from it!
After all of the madness we all took showers and headed back downstairs for the dance party. They brought a local DJ in and nobody left the party until 4AM. It was a perfect way to end the day, but I must admit, it was even better to sleep until 6PM the following Sunday.
I'm really happy to be participating in the local Interact club here in my city. It has been a great way for me to make friends and get to help around in the community. I really recommend participating in your local clubs to any future exchange students, or even my friends in the United States, it really motivates you and is a great way to make a difference in your community.
Here's the link if you want to learn more about Interact!

This is a picture of my Venezuelan friend Fabian and I during the event this weekend. He's one of the greatest people I've ever met and I'm so happy his family is doing well during the current crisis back home. It takes a lot to stay positive through something so severe going on back home. My thoughts and prayers are with him, his family, and the country.
If you're interested in aiding the relief of the current crisis going on in Venezuela, here's a list of ways you can do that: